Reverse Engineering & Legacy Conversions
We believe that in today’s highly competitive business environment there is a need of continuous generation of new ideas and implementing it to product to survive in the competition.
Our team at Cizmak Technologies will help to get detailed and accurate 3D models from physical parts of any product to utilize them to improvise product design while keeping manufacturability and the development process in mind.
We convert hard copy drawings to legacy software format for helping clients to achieve cost savings.
We provide paper to CAD conversion services for converting bulk paper drawings into various CAD formats.
Our spectrum includes, accurate dimensions, multi-layering, scaling and making error-free and accurate conversion.
Our CAD team is capable of converting all data from paper & scanned drawings, legacy data in software and 3D models to produce highly accurate 2D design drawings to be used for manufacturing sectors.
CAD & Legacy Conversions Softwares used are
Solid Works
Solid Edge
Auto CAD

Our Services Include
Inspection the product
Modeling the product
Detailed Manufacturing Drawing
Conversion of 2-D to 3-D
Data Preparation
Design Modifications from existing product
Data Migration